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largely in favor of New York Attorney General Letitia James, who accused LaPierre and other current and former executives of flouting state laws and internal policies to enrich themselves. Jurors determined that the F-Zero Retro Racing Video Game T-Shirt Also,I will get this NRA failed to properly run its nonprofit and its assets at any time between March 20, 2014 and May 2, 2022. They also found that LaPierre, and the other defendants — John Frazer, the NRA’s corporate secretary and general counsel, and Wilson “Woody” Phillips, its former treasurer and chief financial officer — all violated their statutory obligation to discharge the duties of their position in good faith. They said LaPierre caused $5.4 million in monetary harm to the NRA, but that he has already repaid at least $1 million of that. Phillips caused $2 million in monetary harm to the NRA, they found, while Frazer did not cause any monetary harm to the group. Frazer is the only individual defendant who still works for the NRA. The jury determined that Frazer made or authorized a false statement in the NRA’s annual filings, but that there is no cause to remove him from his post. LaPierre served as the NRA’s CEO and executive vice president for more than 30 years before he resigned at the end of January, citing health issues. Regardless of his resignation, the jury found there was also cause for LaPierre’s removal from the NRA. Early signs of discord Five out of six jurors needed to agree on each part of the verdict. Their answers were either “yes,” “no” or a dollar amount. Recommended GUNS IN AMERICA Colorado murder suspect had threatened to kill roommate who complained about state of their dorm, affidavit says From the
start, the F-Zero Retro Racing Video Game T-Shirt Also,I will get this jurors expressed confusion about parts of their instructions as well as frustration at the pace of their discussions. About two hours into deliberations, they sent a note to the court, saying they were “talking about things over and over” without moving on, according to the memo, which Cohen summarized out loud. The judge instructed them to hear each other out. The early note suggested there might have been “really profound division” among the jury, Sabelli said. Valerie Hans, a Cornell Law School professor who specializes in jury research, had called the memo “worrisome” for the same reason. But both experts said five or six days of deliberations on a civil case of this size is reasonable. Hans said civil juries, especially ones that are not required to be unanimous, have very low hung-jury rates. The corruption case There were six weeks’ worth of testimony transcripts and evidence to scrutinize. The lawsuit was brought in 2020 by James, who accused LaPierre of misusing an excessive amount of money from the NRA’s charitable mission for his personal use of private jets, trips to the Bahamas and other luxuries, without oversight from the NRA or its executives. The main questions the jury needed to answer were whether LaPierre, Frazer and Phillips violated their fiduciary duties, and if so, how much monetary harm the NRA sustained as a result. But there were a slew of other issues the jury had to decide on, including whether the NRA violated state whistleblower protection policies. Jurors found that the NRA did violate the law by failing to adopt a whistleblower policy and that eight employees suffered because of the violation. There were multiple questions related to LaPierre’s and Phillips’ post-employment contracts and whether those contracts — as well as other expenses, including hair and makeup for LaPierre’s wife — had received proper approval. The jury said Phillips’s contract was not properly approved but it
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